search primary menu news #games #comics #cartoons #community #merchandise #sega & sonic team info features game list comics list cartoon list merchandise list site legacy contact tss video the sonic show videos from the sonic show only. ssmb search for: news #games #comics #cartoons #community #merchandise #sega & sonic team info features game list comics list cartoon list merchandise list site legacy contact tss video the sonic show ssmb headlines “green hills” image from sonic the hedgehog movie emerges see a playable build of cancelled arcade puzzler segasonic bros in action comic previews: solicitations for idw sonic the hedgehog #10 and team sonic racing revealed comic preview: idw sonic the hedgehog #7 skip to content latest -- follow me, set me free -- latest posts sega forever: sonic 4 episode 2 joins the vault “green hills” image from sonic the hedgehog movie emerges sonic amateur games expo 2018 trailer released see a playable build of cancelled arcade puzzler segasonic bros in action modder discovers ‘vape mode’ music cheat in sonic mania plus recent comments ryan on “green hills” image from sonic the hedgehog movie emerges sk72 on “green hills” image from sonic the hedgehog movie emerges ryan on “green hills” image from sonic the hedgehog movie emerges thehumblefellow on sega forever: sonic 4 episode 2 joins the vault angelcam7 on “green hills” image from sonic the hedgehog movie emerges posts navigation page 1 page 2 … page 169 next page 02 aug 2018 sega forever: sonic 4 episode 2 joins the vault sega forever, the free to play service which offers classic sega titles for free on... 30 jul 2018 sonic amateur games expo 2018 trailer released the annual sonic amateur games expo (sage) is set to make its return this year... 27 jul 2018 modder discovers ‘vape mode’ music cheat in sonic mania plus this week has been a busy week for mania discoveries, following on from the discovery... 27 jul 2018 behind the scenes of sonic mania adventures with tyson hesse following the developer diary videos, the latest installment of the behind-the-scenes look at the creation... 26 jul 2018 sonic mania plus proves popular in uk on nintendo switch following the worldwide release of sonic mania plus last week, the first data indicates that... 24 jul 2018 sonic the hedgehog movie: first pictures of james marsden on set with the sonic the hedgehog movie entering production, the first images from the set are... 22 jul 2018 sonic mania cheat codes discovered! sonic mania plus continues to surprise players in many ways with small references and nods.... 20 jul 2018 report: ‘bloated’ denuvo drm causing issues with sonic mania plus on pc sonic mania plus may have brought back classic characters ray and mighty from the dead,... 19 jul 2018 big rides again in new team sonic racing footage idw’s way past cool sonic panel didn’t have to show from the games, but they... 19 jul 2018 whisper the wolf, a new sonic idw character, revealed idw has revealed the design for their latest original character, whisper the wolf, debuting in... 19 jul 2018 team sonic racing prequel comic announced team sonic racing will be getting a prequel comic from idw this october. revealed at... 19 jul 2018 sega ages: sonic the hedgehog for switch releases in japan in august for 925 yen as announced back at the sega fes 2018 event back in april, sega and the... 17 jul 2018 sonic mania adventures part 5: the finale! to celebrate the release of sonic mania plus, the conclusion of sonic mania adventures is... 17 jul 2018 tss review: sonic mania plus last year’s explosive release of sonic mania wasn’t just about a game that ended up... 16 jul 2018 sonic mania plus’s nineties style infomercial in true social media style, the sonic community team have created an homage to the... 14 jul 2018 possible final title and logo for the sonic movie leaked as filming for the sonic movie is starting up as we speak, more information is... 14 jul 2018 gallery: see the sonic mania plus special edition, up close and personal sonic mania plus hits digital game stores in just a few days time! but next... 13 jul 2018 the spin: why can’t eu order from the sega store? disclaimer: the views in this piece may not reflect the views of tss or other writers... 12 jul 2018 impressions: sonic generations on the smach z portable pc console as a matter of disclosure, the author of this article has invested in the smach... 11 jul 2018 mega man 4 medley by senoue to feature in super smash bros. ultimate as the launch of super smash bros. ultimate draws closer, nintendo continue to tease the... 07 jul 2018 the spin: the case for shadow the hedgehog in smash bros. ultimate disclaimer: the views in this piece may not reflect the views of tss or other writers... 04 jul 2018 sega’s hardlight studio are auctioning a sonic themed bmw! recently, there was a charity racing event in which several game studios took part, including... 30 jun 2018 jim carrey in talks to play eggman in the sonic movie with the sonic movie now under paramount’s control and development beginning very soon, more details... 26 jun 2018 subway now including sonic toys with its kids meals subway is now including sonic toys with its fresh fit for kids subs, just in... 26 jun 2018 comic preview: idw sonic the hedgehog #6 as the hottest time of the year rolls by, it’s time for the action to... 24 jun 2018 uk community streamers raise over $650 for special effect it’s always great to see the sonic community come together to raise money for charity... 23 jun 2018 team sonic racing: amy, chao and big the cat revealed as playable characters the japanese sonic birthday party is often full of surprises – and at this year’s... 22 jun 2018 sonic mania adventures part 4 – mighty and ray’s story! part 4 of 5 of sonic mania adventures has hit youtube today – with this... 22 jun 2018 sonic fan artist meetup to take place in dallas, texas adding to the growing list of us-based sonic the hedgehog fan conventions and meets alongside... 22 jun 2018 sonic games on sale on nintendo, playstation platforms in celebration of sonic’s 27th anniversary, sega is holding a sonic game sale on both... 21 jun 2018 sonic talk 53: sonic talk live! live! from sonic revolution 2018, it’s sonic talk with jason and alex! in this episode,... 20 jun 2018 comic previews: idw sonic the hedgehog #9 solicitation revealed the gang’s all here when september comes! idw have released the new solicitations for september... 19 jun 2018 wayô records announces new sonic forces vinyl wayô records revealed on their instagram page earlier today that they would be making a... 17 jun 2018 team sonic racing impressions: jason’s take if there’s one thing sumo digital is best at more than anything, it’s making a... 15 jun 2018 tss @ e3 2018 interview with aaron webber yesterday afternoon during e3, i got a chance to sit down and chat with sega’s... 14 jun 2018 team sonic racing impressions, alex’s take the sonic franchise is no stranger to the power of teamwork. tails has been an... posts navigation page 1 page 2 … page 169 next page "that tornado's carrying a car!" select your character sonical boom boo sonic x-mas hammered stk maniacs copyright © the sonic stadium 2000-2018. sonic the hedgehog is copyright © sega corporation. published material and comments represent the thoughts of their authors. all rights reserved. rss | privacy policy | contact us we are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. you can find out more about which cookies we are using or switch them off in settings . accept privacy overview strictly necessary cookies 3rd party cookies cookie and privacy policy powered by gdpr plugin privacy overview this website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you
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